“Facilitating interventions between former extremists and young people who show extremist tendencies online.”
Extreme Dialogue is a series of videos and educational tools for teachers to help facilitate safe classroom discussions around extremism and radicalisation. The videos have also been promoted on Facebook and YouTube in order to raise awareness about violent extremism. The project was funded by Public Safety Canada, a government agency devoted to protecting Canadians from a range of risks, including the threat of terrorism.
Combining multimedia educational resources with short documentary films, Extreme Dialogue aims to develop students’ critical thinking skills and resilience to radicalisation, explore shared values, and challenge all types of extremist propaganda and ideologies. The films tell the personal stories of people who have been profoundly affected by violent extremism and include testimony from former members of extreme groups as well as survivors of extremist violence. Extreme Dialogue began in Canada in 2015 and since then has spread to the UK, Germany and Hungary, with new films and resources featuring the stories of people from these countries.
“Facilitating interventions between former extremists and young people who show extremist tendencies online.”
A campaign with a clearly defined target audience that aims to promote critical, online engagement and to counter Islamist propaganda.
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