Life After Hate
“Life After Hate is dedicated to inspiring individuals to a place of compassion and forgiveness, for themselves and for all people”
Living Room Conversations is a US-based organisation that works broadly to promote dialogue and engagement, particularly between individuals or groups of people who may feel opposed to each other. The model provides a clear, scalable structure for delivering meaningful conversation, designed to create understanding, promote tolerance and highlight commonalities between participants. Recently, Living Room Conversations launched a “Race and Ethnicity” series, in which participants of different walks of life – including a former neo-Nazi skinhead, explored the complexities of concepts of race and ethnicity. This and other video series are available online, as are resources for users to lead their own constructive dialogue around topics that may trouble or interest them.
“Life After Hate is dedicated to inspiring individuals to a place of compassion and forgiveness, for themselves and for all people”
Raising awareness and protecting against online harms by helping to create an informed community of support.
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